Repair and Maintenance

Just like any other machinery, lifting platforms may breakdown. CLAIER’s services unit is capable of repairing a vast variety of lifting equipment. repairing lifting structures, hydraulic jacks, oil pumps, electric and electronic parts, steering system and all the other problems your lifting equipment might have, will be done by RANDIK group. for more information, visit RANDIK’s website.

CLAIER offers 20 years of services and according to its 40 years of experience, did a really great job doing it. repairs can be done in Tehran, Mashhad, Esfahan and some other cities, but in time of need expert technicians will attend to you from Esfahan. IF your lifting platform needed more time or equipment for repairs you can send it to CLAIER factory  for our specialists to check it, after making an appointment.

If you’re one of CLAIER’s customers you can click on the button bellow to fill out a form and be provided with CLAIER and RANDIK’s services.

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